Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Braxton - Botox injections

My friend Wonda took this picture of Braxton and I love it so much!!

Braxton had his botox shots today and it was quit the day at the hospital. This time Braxton was not totally put under but was just in deep sedation. So he was crying alot the entire time. Last time he was completely out so he didn't make a sound. The crying made it much harder. He kept asking for ma ma so I stayed by his side through all the sedation. The IV had to be put in twice. Which did not make Braxton very happy at all. My sweet little Braxton actually gave the nurse that was doing the IV a bad look. He was defiantly angry. Soon the Akron children's pediatric dr starting giving him all the medicines for sedation. Then they started the injections. I was there for about 4 and then my stomach started to turn. I sat down for a bit and then everything got blurry. I told the nurse I thought I was gonna pass out and they had me put my head between my legs and that helped some. They got me some juice for sugar and that helped too. I tried to sit up again and the same thing happened. It was scary everything just went blurry then black. But, Eventually I was able to pull myself together. I don't handle shots very well at all and I think just watching my little boy get them was too hard for me. Then hearing him cry alot was hard too. But on the upside he did great. Once they were done he recovered in no time. He wanted something to drink and eat right away of course. So, I learned that next time I can be there w/ him I just cannot watch the shots.

Just like last time we should see results right away. These Botox injections are used to help with his stiffness and help him in being able to sit and walk. Unfortunately, the shots do take away some of his strength that he has built up. But each time he just has to regain that strength.


scole said...

using this Botox thing on his own face and on her wife and daughter? How many male are doing this, why ladies are falling in this trap of denying their personality, character and appearance as it grows naturally. Its me, love me the way I am, you have to love my wrinkles as I love yours.

Kase said...

Nice post . This post is useful.

JENNIFER !!!! thank you so much :)

ps .I bookmarked .