Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My good Deal this week!!

I recently watched the Extreme couponing show they had on. It motivated me to try and save even more. So, this week I went to Walgreen's and this is what I got. The total retail price of everything was $142.00. ( The Nexus Shampoos and Conditioners were $16.99 each and the Omega Vitamins were $29.99 each ). Everything I got was on Sale of Course. Then alot of it was BOGO or it had Register Rewards. So, my final cost that I paid for everything was $21.60. ( Savings of over $120.00). So, I was very excited about that.

1 comment:

Amy Marie said...

Totally awesome! I watched that show and loved it too! I love a great deal...but you have to say you're going to use the stuff. Wasn't it amazing how much pasta, soap, etc. that people were buying on that show?